Scientific conferences
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Lexical approach. Theory and Practice
22 May 2021, Przasnysz
We warmly invite you to submit presentations during the VI Scientific Conference of the University of Linguistics and Technology in Przasnysz. The aim of our conference is to popularize an innovative approach to teaching a foreign language – the lexical approach. This approach, proposed in 1993 by Michael Lewis, is slowly gaining popularity. We believe that providing knowledge about the advantages of this approach, as well as familiarizing teachers with the methods of working with language corpora, will encourage teachers to adopt at least some elements of this methodology
We hope that the Conference will contribute to the creation of a forum for the presentation of current research and the exchange of glottodidactics achievements. Our Conference is also a meeting of teachers from different backgrounds, institutions and levels of education, the aim of which is to exchange experiences and deepen reflection on the pragmatics and effectiveness of language teaching. We hope that in addition to lectures and discussion panels, practical workshops will also enable foreign language teachers to improve their teaching practice.
The conference will be held in a remote or hybrid format, depending on legal and epidemic regulations.
We invite you to submit proposals: lectures (45 min) papers (30 min) practical workshops (45 min) The topics of the above should concern: lexical approach in teaching a foreign language, research on the lexis of language based on corpus data, teacher’s work with lexicons and corpora, deepening lexical awareness through: – analysis of literary and cultural texts – translation of literary and non-literary texts
Duration of the conference – May 22, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Working languages of the Conference: Polish, English and Russian
The submission should include a summary of the session (60 words), a bio (60 words), and a photo.
Important dates
Speaker applications: from 26 February 2021 to 26 March 2021
Confirmation of receipt of application: 6 April 2021
Registration of participants: 6 April – 15 May 2021
Submissions for publication: May 30, 2021
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→ Call for proposals ULT conference
On 11 April 2015 at the Higher School of Foreign Languages in Świecie a conference was held: Teaching English at the preschool and early school level
Conference program:
- Dr Sylwia Wiśniewska 9.00 – 10.00
English in kindergarten: with or without a textbook? Oxford University Press, Macmillan and Pearson offer in the field of teaching English to 3, 4 and 5-year-olds. (lecture with elements of workshops)
2.Magdalena Otulak, M.A., 10.00-11.15 a.m.
A direct method in teaching preschool children. (lecture with elements of workshops
3.dr Elżbieta Sternal, PhD, Karolina Orłowska-Smolińska, M.A. 11.30-13.30
Methods and techniques of working with the so-called difficult student. (workshop)
BREAK 1.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m.
- Sylwia Wiśniewska, 2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m
Stories in English language teaching: storytelling and reading as a technique for teaching English to young children. (workshop with elements of a lecture)
- Magdalena Otulak, 3.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Theatre and fairy tale in learning English. (workshop with elements of a lecture)
- Anna Orzoł, M.A., 4.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. (workshops)
Fun and games in kindergarten. (workshops)
The Higher School of Foreign Languages in Świecie – Branch in Przasnysz organized
III Scientific conference entitled: “Crossing Borders in Language, Literature and Culture
The lectures were attended by scientists from domestic and foreign universities. The special guest was the traveller Mieczysław Bieniek.
On 10 October, Przasnysz turned into the capital of science, as outstanding scientists from universities all over the world came to our city: University of Paris, Vincennes, Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abaya, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, University of Warsaw, University of Gdańsk, University of Bialystok, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
All of them presented lectures on crossing borders in culture, literature and life. The conference was also attended by Father Hieronim Kaczmarek from Prague. The practical dimension of crossing borders was shown by the guest of honour Mieczysław Bieniek, a traveller who has visited 111 countries alone and the author of many books. In Singapore he built crematoria, in Indonesia he was a fisherman. In India, he worked as a milkman’s assistant. He met with the Dalai Lama and was the first Pole to enter Murmansk on a bicycle. The participants of the conference had the opportunity to learn the story of an amazing man from Silesia – a miner. It was in the mine that the life adventure of Mietek Bieniek began – a man who decided to change his whole life overnight when the wall of the “Wieczorek” mine collapsed in 2000. He was hit in the back of the head, woke up after six days, and spent nine months recovering. There was no question of returning to the old life
The aim of our conference is to show the diversity of research in the field of modern languages. We are particularly interested in the relations between language and culture, language and literature, and literature and culture at the threshold of the 21st century. The wide range of topics of our Conference will create a field for interesting, fruitful discussions, reflections and speeches. The guest of honour of the conference will be Professor Jan Miodek, who will deliver a lecture entitled: Transformations of the contemporary Polish language in the European context. Working languages of the Conference: Polish, English, Russian and German. After the conference, we plan to publish a monograph and publish papers in the Scientific Journals of the University of Foreign Languages in Świecie. If you would like to take part in the conference, please fill in the application form and send it to the e-mail address by February 28, 2013.
Costs of participation in the Conference: The cost of full participation in the Conference is PLN 350 and includes participation in the Conference, conference materials, publication, lunch and gala dinner. Accommodation is not included in the price. For participants interested in participation without presenting a paper, receiving a post-conference volume and a certificate of participation, the cost of the certificate of participation is PLN 250
ontact: Conference Organizers: mgr Magdalena Sternal
E-mail address: The Chairmen of the Organizing Committee: Prof. Roman Kalisz and Prof. Andrzej Sitarski cordially invite you to participate in the Conference
I National Scientific Conference entitled Cultural and Linguistic Contacts of Polish before and after 1989
9 – 10 April 2011 Higher School of Foreign Languages in Świecie Branch in Przasnysz, 6 Szosa Ciechanowska St.
Saturday 9 April 2011 8:45 Spectacle Hall of the Municipal Cultural Centre in Przasnysz Welcoming the guests and opening of the conference
9:00 – 10:00 prof. Jerzy Bralczyk 1
0:00 – 10:30 Short presentation of Kurpie culture by WSJO students
10:30- 11:00 prof. Krzysztof Hejwowski Literary translations before 1989 and later 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. prof. Marian Szczodrowski Codematic interpretation of language contacts
11.30 – 12.00 Passage to the WSJO building, 6 Szosa Ciechanowska St. English Section Auditorium B
12:00 p.m. – 12:20 p.m. Joanna Redzimska, PhD “Łże-elita w Kaczogród”, czyli polszczyzna politica po 1989
12:20 p.m. – 12:40 p.m. Tadeusz Danilewicz, PhD Shaping language awareness on the example of the phenomenon of polysemy in second language education
12:40 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monika Badecka, PhD, Chinese students in Gdańsk. Lost in translation 15:00 – 15:20 Tomasz Fojt, PhD A construction grammar account of the double verb construction 15:20 – 15:40 Edyta Falkowska, M.A. The Myth of Atreides in a Totalitarian Reality (Hauptmann – Langner – Brandstaetter – Zawieyski)
3:40 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Ewelina Gutowska, M.A. Polish social networking sites and the issue of linguistic interference Russian Section, room 14
12:00 – 12:20 Dr. Barbara Kozak Symeona from Polotsk relations with Poland
12:20 – 12:40 prof. Andrzej Sitarski The axiological function of proper names (on the material of language in contemporary Russian work)
12:40 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Joanna Orzechowska, PhD, Функциональная специфика старообрядческого Войновского синодика
3:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. prof. Michał Sarnowski Nomina propria in Russian-Polish cultural relations
15:20 – 15:40 prof. Leontij Mironiuk Языковые особенности польско-русского и польско-украинского пограничья
15:00 40 – 16:00 Prof. Vera Belousova Перекличка филологов-классиков (Яков Голосовкер-Витольд Клингер
16:15 Departure to Opinogora 1
6:30 – 20:00 Visiting the Museum of Romanticism in Opinogóra Concert Gala Dinner
We would like to invite you to take part in the International Scientific Conference entitled: Man at the crossroads of material and spiritual challenges of the present day. The conference will be held on 15 September 2017 at the Przasnysz Branch of the Higher School of Foreign Languages in Świecie.
We live in a postmodern culture, for which it is important to eliminate the oppositional components of reality. The challenge of modern times is to combine the material and spiritual worlds. But is this always the case in social life? What role does man play today? Is the contemporary world built only on the principle of anthropocentrism? The problems posed in the title of the conference are topical today, because the further development of society depends on their solution. The aim of the conference is to try to find answers to the questions posed. The wide range of topics of the conference creates a field for interesting, fruitful discussions, reflections and speeches on the following topics:
Holiness and Saints in Polish Culture Man in the Spiritual Culture of Contemporary Times Man in the Linguistic Image of the World Philosophy of Language in the Age of Information Technology (IT) Psychology of Interaction in the Age of Information Technology (IT) Postmodern Literature – Material vs. Spiritual Man in Business Synergetics – Material vs. Spiritual Pedagogy of Cooperation in the Age of Information Technology (IT) Working languages of the Conference: Polish, English, Russian and German.
International Conference “Crossing Borders in Language, Literature, Culture” which took place in 2017. This event initiated the “humanistica 21” publishing series. It was devoted to the issues of contemporary humanities, its new horizons and new challenges
The reflections of the individual volumes will be guided by the reflection that at the threshold of the 21st century, the humanities are not only a collective framework for various disciplines, its subject is human existence in its many manifestations, the humanities are able to undertake a debate on who we are, it makes us aware of the relativity of what we do with the world, it makes us aware of our being in culture, in language, in departments and rules of action, our being in aspirations, imaginations, rituals and symbols.
International Conference “Ad maiora natus sum. Man at the crossroads of material and spiritual challenges of the present day”, which took place in 2018. This meeting made us realize that we live in the culture of postmodernism, in the era of eliminating the oppositional components of reality. The aim of the conference was to try to find answers to the questions of the material and spiritual aspects, as well as questions about the man who chooses the path at the crossroads of these values.
International Conference “Challenges of Contemporary Humanities: Transculturalism and Translingualism”, 2019. The main focus here is on the currently taking place socio-cultural processes and the phenomenon of transculturalism, which are piercing in varying intensity. During this conference, great importance was also attached to the ubiquitous phenomenon of globalization. The issue of interculturality was also raised. It should be emphasized that volume 3 of the “humanistica21” series is devoted to Prof. Roman Kalisz – a linguist, educator and lecturer
The 2020 International Conference “Culture and Literature in Space and Time” was aimed at illustrating the evolution of language over the years. An important topic was also the formulation of the phenomenon of transculturalism, which is treated as a transitional stage between different cultural paradigms. Adopting a diachronic perspective, the concept of the Enlightenment and the contemporary era of transculturalism is compared here, identifying a number of similarities between them, both in the sphere of philosophical thought, views on society, and axiological judgments.