Coaching in Education
About this course
You don’t have to tell any teacher how difficult the process of imparting knowledge is. How many times have you heard (or even made) the diagnosis “talented but lazy”, “would achieve more but can’t focus”, “intelligent but undisciplined”? If instead of throwing up your hands, you prefer to act, and instead of accepting failure, you prefer to achieve success in your pedagogical work – coaching postgraduate studies are just for you.
Coaching in education – postgraduate studies
Coaching in education studies are intended for people in a wide range of education, i.e. for teachers and headmasters, pedagogues and psychologists, educators and curators, tutors and freelancers conducting workshops, as well as for all those who are interested in teaching both children and adolescents, as well as adults, including the disabled.
Our offer includes coaching extramural studies – the specificity of the classes, strongly focused on the practical side of the issue, does not allow you to choose the mode of coaching online studies.
Postgraduate studies for teachers in the field of coaching will prepare you to conduct coaching sessions based on the developed coaching process and selected coaching models. You will learn how to enter into a relationship with a specific client, which in this case is a student. You will learn how to diagnose their needs and capabilities, as well as formulate goals and monitor the status of their implementation. As the classroom is a difficult area for the coach, the material will focus on working with the group, including resistant individuals, also in the face of conflicts that may arise and respecting both the individual goals of the individual and the general aspirations of the group.
Career Prospects – Coaching in Education
Coaching studies in education will prepare you to work in public and private schools, at various levels of education. As a qualified pedagogue-coach, you will find employment in institutions with stronger and looser links with education, upbringing, rehabilitation, care and culture (e.g. community centres, occupational and therapeutic workshops, community centres, day and round care facilities, institutions and associations helping people with disabilities, etc.).
You can also set up your own business, where you will provide consulting services in the area of coaching for children, teenagers and adults (including group and individual sessions), as well as pass on your knowledge by conducting classes for teachers.
Studies are conducted on a part-time basis in the form of weekend meetings (Saturday, Sunday) in accordance with the schedule of postgraduate studies (12 sessions – 192 hours)
Postgraduate studies in coaching in education are addressed to pedagogues, teachers, educators, people employed in professions related to psychological assistance, pedagogy, rehabilitation and upbringing, people specializing in working with other people.
In the light of the latest research, coaching methods are also perfectly used in the classroom, educational room, lecture hall and academic classroom. As a coach, the teacher / pedagogue / lecturer can recognize and use neurological psychological processes that occur during the teaching process (individually and as a team) with greater precision and a wider range of tools. Thanks to this, they can choose the right teaching methods that will bring the best results in a given environment and scope. In addition, based on her pedagogical experience and acquired coaching knowledge, she can conduct valuable development processes for different groups of participants. The whole process will end with supervision, during which the participants will present their own coaching processes. We want this process to build the self-confidence and self-esteem of the participants.
- you will develop as a professional – you will acquire the ability to conduct coaching in working with a student/client,
- you will increase your skills in building contact based on trust and empathy,
- you will develop skills to support and develop a person at different stages of change,
- you will develop the skills you already possess with managerial and educational coaching competences,
- you will learn the latest methods and tools of working with the class team, both to strengthen the student’s development and to facilitate the flow of knowledge and information between the teacher and the student,
- as well as between pupils,
- Raising the level of knowledge and awareness of the teaching staff’s own role in the teaching and development process,
- integration of members of the teaching staff around the improvement of teaching methods and the development of others,
- creating a communication platform among the teaching staff (using the same language with new elements) in relation to the current education process and training projects,
- increased motivation and involvement in the teaching process and development of training participants and students, as well as the process of self-education of educators,
- gaining knowledge in the field of team building and management,
- deepening of coaching, coaching and pedagogical skills,
- practising possible behaviours in relation to different situations during the development and teaching process using coaching methods,
- PLN 4,200.00 one-off fee for two semesters / possibility of payment in installments – 2 installments x PLN 2,100
- entry fee: 100 PLN
- personal survey,
- a copy or photocopy of a master’s or bachelor’s diploma,
- two ID photos,
- proof of payment of the application fee.
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